Once thought of as limitless, the ocean today is smaller and more competitive than ever. Groups of all sizes need smart, targeted advocacy to stand out and be heard. Whether you want to plan and promote a campaign, create conversation, or see your priorities reflected in policy, Homarus Strategies can help you map the path to accomplishing your goals in the ocean space and work with you each step of the way.
Commission in-depth analysis of legislative and regulatory issues that impact you and your work. Design and deliver policies that enhance your mission.
Deliver your message to media, stakeholder, and government audiences. Bring opinion leaders together to craft strategy. Build your audience and diversify your communications.
Smoothly operate your day-to-day administrative needs. Connect with funders and donors. Build coalitions around campaigns and commonalities, or develop/refine a strategic plan.
Homarus is a genus of crustaceans that includes the American lobster, a feisty, iconic species with far more to it than meets the eye. Noah Oppenheim created Homarus Strategies in 2020 after spending over a decade working in leadership roles at the intersection of ocean science, policy, and industry. Homarus was built to assist mission-driven companies and organizations, and its touchstones are honesty, cohesion, and integration. Homarus builds bridges across sectors and through hierarchies to craft messages and policy that anticipate all possibilities. The firm specializes in fisheries policy at all scales and levels of governance, ocean renewable energy issues, and navigating broad environmental regulatory frameworks including NEPA, ESA, MMPA, and beyond. No matter your team's level of process experience, Homarus Strategies can help your message to evolve from concept to implementation, delivered to the right targets at the right time.
© 2020-2024 Homarus Strategies LLC